Create the Craziest Fake RX Prank –


Create the Craziest Fake RX Prank

Do you love someone big time? Wanna show your appreciation to them? Hugely hatin' a person and wanna express your abhorrence towards them? Well, you better read this! 

The personalized fake prescription from Fake a Baby is a popular choice for pranks and gags. You might have watched the pranks where fake drugs and fake pills are used on several videos online and chances are, a Fake a Baby fake prescription may be one of them. A fake prescription can actually become beneficial to your loved ones of friends. It may become some sort of an eye-opener to them of their strengths or weaknesses! A fake prescription pill called “Heartthrob Pill” or “Hottest Girl in the World Pill” may just boost their self-esteem. The “Miser Drug” or “Stingy Drug” you give them may just help them to loosen up a bit and reconsider generosity. A person’s personality has so many facets, so whether they have this certain positive behavior that’s inspiring, or a negative character that you want to prove to them, the fake prescription from Fake a Baby will absolutely help you! 

For funny pranks, if you know someone who feels like they're the ugliest person in the world, why not order a fake prescription entitled "Instant miracle beauty pill"? Give it as a gift to them and let the multivitamins (that you've bought from a nearby drugstore) slash miracle pill increase their self-esteem and confidence!

If you want to annoy someone, then you could order a drug label called "Annoying Pill". This may give its recipient an idea that they should at least minimize their being a pain in the a*s.

Fake drug lables for crankiness, stupidity and farthead etc. - Fake a Baby can and will deliver!

There are just so many ways as to pull off a personalized fake prescription prank and so many methods to help a loved one eventually stop their habitual pill popping.


Get the Fake a Baby FAKE PRESCRIPTION now!

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