Sweet Pregnancy at 60 – FakeaBaby.com


Sweet Pregnancy at 60

Faking a pregnancy... Many people frown upon it - and many people love it—if, AND ONLY IF, it is a fake pregnancy prank pulled off for fun and for entertainment purposes only!

Remember the time when our favorite celebrities have posted their fake pregnancy announcements on social media? Showing a false positive pregnancy test and their fake ultrasounds, or by simply revealing that they are pregnant, online? A lot of us were really happy for them. Some were skeptical, and others were lukewarm and did not give a heck at all. But when they disclose that they were just pulling off a prank, let's admit it, we gain a sense of amusement and sometimes a tinge of hilarity that drives us to chuckle and snicker a bit, making our day a little bit different and fun.

A fake pregnancy prank is incredibly delightful to carry out, as long as you do not intend to wreak havoc or incur any damages! Go to the bathroom with a fake pregnancy test and "carelessly" show it to your sister, then come out of the bathroom and simply leave it anywhere - where your sister can actually see it. Oh boy, imagine what would happen next!

Goof around with your BFF! Pull off a fake pregnancy prank by making it appear that you have mis-sent an email to her, which was supposed to be sent to your boyfriend! Compose a message about your 'pregnancy' and allow the photo of your fake pregnancy test serve as the highlight of your gag!

Is your 60-year old aunt (who's cool enough and game for anything!) coming over? Talk to her and make her your accomplice for your wonderful surprise. Shock your family and close relatives about her 'Sweet Pregnancy at 60' - which calls for a celebration! Stun them with a fake pregnancy test and y'all will be in for your clan’s most unforgettable prank ever! You're gonna laugh for hours, and that's a guarantee! Revisit this memorable experience and make your relationships even stronger – with laughter!

Make your fake pregnancy joke easy and seamless with FakeABaby's wonderful Fake Pregnancy Test collection! Pick from our super realistic and oh-so legitimate looking fake pregnancy tests!

See? It's sooo fun pulling off a fake pregnancy test prank that's 'For Entertainment Purposes' only!


Happy Pranking!


*Image Source: OpenClipart-Vectors / 27453 images via Pixabay under the CC0 Public Domain license.

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