Brand New Butt –


Brand New Butt

Image Source: blickpixel / 1857 images via Pixabay under the CC0 Public Domain.

Fool them with your fuller butt and hips! Nothing’s gonna stop you from looking fab and sexy as ever! If you're feeling hopeless about your butt situation, then it's about time to get up and celebrate. Make way for Fake a Baby's butt enhancer silicone butt shapewear!

Having a small butt is a result of several factors, which could be traced to genetics, weight-loss, pregnancy, lifestyle, among others. Others may not really consider themselves to be in the flat butt category, but are not completely satisfied or not too confident with the cushion of their backside - feeling as if it is disproportionate to their overall physique.

Indeed, we are aware of Hollywood celebrities opting for butt implants. We see their perfectly shaped butts everywhere and become extremely jealous, and also inspired to achieve that perfection because of the huge butt hype in the entertainment industry. We feel as if we are bound to only two things - get a butt augmentation or just accept it as it is. Sure there are plenty of exercises to make it bigger - but in reality, they only tone and firm the butt itself, improving its shape and lifting it, but what if you actually want to make it even more pronounced and juicier-looking? Yes, there’s a whole lotta butt pills and supplements that could help you increase your estrogen levels to make your buttocks bigger as a result. But it's not really a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. It works for some, while others think of it as a fad.


With the high quality shape wear from Fake a Baby - you will be able to treat yourself to a butt enhancing experience that you'll surely gonna love. The first-rate medical grade silicone pads promise to add more volume to your derrière, making you look sexier, allowing you to brim with total confidence and self-assurance. It's so comfortable to wear and looks very natural, which is actually way better than having the fake look of the actual butt implants! If you want a 100% effective option, a more affordable choice, and a painless way to look good and feel good then it's about time to fulfill the first step in achieving that gorgeous figure and bigger butt - with the silicone butt pads and butt enhancer from Fake a Baby

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