Ways to Achieve Your Goals in a Funny Fake Pregnancy Prank Faster – FakeaBaby.com


Ways to Achieve Your Goals in a Funny Fake Pregnancy Prank Faster

Want to try a controversial prank guaranteed to be truly difficult to forget and ignore? FakeABaby is here to help! FakeABaby is the leading source of gag gifts which are perfect for the most controversial and most scandalous pranks yet are still harmless and safe, just perfect for those who have prank fetishes and crazy tomfoolery fantasies which are still fine to pull off as they're 100% safe and for entertainment purposes only!

Speaking of safe gags which are purely for fun, the fake pregnancy test kits from FakeABaby will allow you to carry out a hilarious and shameful prank—sans the hassle and without inflicting pain towards your prank victims. Our fake pregnancy test kits are so funny yet so realistic, anyone will unquestionably have a good time seeing the test results yield a false positive! There are endless ways as to how you can incorporate a fake pregnancy test kit to your prank and sky is the limit as to how you can add a lot of pranking artistry to a fake pregnancy test standalone prank. The highlight of your prank is this convincing prank item that will surely sway your prank victims and those involved into thinking that it is indeed a genuine pregnancy test kit. From the packaging, the wording, and the yielding of the false positive, the FakeABaby pregnancy test kits look authentic, so you can rest easy knowing that a successful prank is in store for you!

Feeling adventurous on your next prank? The Fake Pregnancy Tests from FakeABaby is the best choice for those fun-loving women who want to prank their friends, siblings, moms and even grannies! It's a mean prank 'initially' that will result into a funny, heartwarming, and memorable gag that will make everyone laugh heartily!

Trick your sister into thinking that you are preggers! Pee on a cup and let everyone see the result show a false positive! If you want a different kind of prank then you can ask your sister to pee on the cup and see for yourself how shocked she would get upon discovering that it is positive and she's pregnant, whew!

Wanting to prank your brother? Make sure to invite her girlfriend! Then ask her (just for fun!) if she could possibly use the fake pregnancy test 'which you got as a freebie at work!' then witness the colorful reactions that you can get from your brother and his girlfriend's faces upon seeing that the result is a positive!

Goof around with your granny! Have your 60-year-old aunt or your 65-year-old mom as an accomplice and show the false positive result on your FakeABaby fake pregnancy test! Capture your granny's reaction on vid for the most memorable prank ever!

Need a prank to perk up the vibe at work? Hand some fake pregnancy test kits to your coworkers and hear their screams from the toilet as they try to pee on the cups and see the false positive results, haha!

Pranking will never be the same again! It's easier, safer, funnier and more effective now. Thanks to the fake pregnancy test kits from FakeABaby! 

To see our brilliant fake pregnancy tests and other exciting items, CLICK HERE.

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